Soon to be graduates of Duke University within the medical field, Tara and Sam still found time to plan their beautiful wedding at one of my favorite venues in North Carolina, Fearrington Village. What I loved most was the personal details throughout the wedding. From the signage telling their story, to the little gifts, to the signature cocktail. If you didn't know Tara and Sam prior to the wedding, then you knew them well when you left!
Location: 2000 Fearrington Village; Pittsboro, North Carolina.
Keywords: Details (9), Fearrington, Gown (22), Monique Lhullier, NC (240), Photographer Favorites (11), Pittsboro (2), Sam (5), Tara (5), Two Bright Lights, Veil (13), Wedding (252). 1/160; f/2.8; ISO 1600; 50.0 mm.