Here’s today’s post to give you a taste!

The weather was so awful during Mollie’s bridal session in New Bern, NC. Even though we wanted to do the shoot out of doors, we had to find shelter from the torrential winds and rain. I knew Mollie and her fiancé, Dan, had met at their local gym so that is just one of the places we landed for this unique portrait session. What you can’t see in the image is that there were actually people working out in the gym. A HUGE thanks to Crossfit Burn for letting us come in and shoot!
Image Information: 24-70mm lens at 24mm, F/5.6 at 1/200th , ISO 100. Two gridded flashes camera left. One low to light her and one high to continue lighting the climbing ropes. Then one on camera flash with a @Magmod MagSphere on 1/128th power to light her from the front.